
WHS partnering with Medac, Inc. allows WHS to have access to advanced revenue management. Medac, Inc. proactively explores all applicable revenue streams and optimizes contracting and billing of third-party payers.

Medac, Inc. is a privately held corporation organized in 1992 under the laws in the state of Georgia. They provide business management services and information products to healthcare providers and has specifically marketed to anesthesia practices.

Medac has developed a proprietary, state-of-the-art billing information management system (Kam Technologies) designed exclusively for anesthesia and pain management. The system is specifically designed to improve efficiency in both handling of bills and the percentage of bills recovered.

  • Provide comprehensive billing and revenue cycle management through our strategic partnership with Medac, Inc.
  • Initially provide a lost revenue assessment
  • Provide internal quality control program
  • Produce productivity reports for a more efficient OR
For questions pertaining to your bill, please call 1-800-883-8003.
For more information visit